in show Action!
[listings] => Array
[uid] => 1090
[pid] => 46
[name] => 18 Bayview Boulevard
[agent] => 1024
[address] => 18 Bayview Boulevard
[price] => 199900
[shortdescription] => Lakeview - huge lot ,rare find (125x327x301ft.) close to amenities, steps to Redwing Park.  A virtual island oasis, perfect for a private family compound, full of mixed mature trees.
[description] => LAKEVIEW oversized lot, rare and unique find! Large vacant lot (125x327x301ft.) centrally located in restricted area of Victoria Beach. A perfect spot for a private family compound. This property is pristine and full of mixed mature trees so you can choose the perfect spot to build your dream home/cottage. Located close to store, bakery, parking lot, beaches, tennis, playground, clubhouse, pier, golf course - really hard to beat. Steps to Lake access at Red Wing Park - Prime vacant land in VB is a find you don't come across every day. Buy now and wait until you're ready to build.
[listingdate] => 1713139200
[featureimage] => IMG_8242.JPEG
[detailimages] => IMG_8241.JPEG,IMG_8246.JPEG,IMG_8248.JPEG,18_Bayview_VB6.jpeg,18_Bayview_VB8.jpeg,18_Bayview_map.jpg,Image.jpg,IMG_8243.JPEG,IMG_8244.JPEG,IMG_8245.JPEG,IMG_8247.JPEG
[status] => 0
[featurepos] => 0
[dontfeature] => 0
[datesold] => 0
[taxes] => 1524
[style] => 1
[garage] =>
[lotsize] => 125 x 327 x 301 ft
[squarefootage] =>
[bedrooms] =>
[heating] =>
[electrical] =>
[water] =>
[inclusions] =>
[roomsizes] =>
[roof] =>
[septic] =>
[exterior] =>
[floor] =>
[location] => 18
[latitude] => 50.6977
[longitude] => -96.5527
[tstamp] => 1713230453
[crdate] => 1683078035
[cruser_id] => 6
[deleted] => 0
[hidden] => 0
[starttime] => 1713225600
[endtime] => 0
[t3ver_oid] => 0
[t3ver_id] => 0
[t3ver_wsid] => 0
[t3ver_label] =>
[t3ver_state] => 0
[t3ver_stage] => 0
[t3ver_count] => 0
[t3ver_tstamp] => 0
[t3ver_move_id] => 0
[sorting] => 11008
[t3_origuid] => 0
[sys_language_uid] => 0
[l10n_parent] => 0
[l10n_diffsource] => a:35:{s:5:"agent";N;s:8:"location";N;s:11:"listingdate";N;s:4:"name";N;s:7:"address";N;s:5:"price";N;s:5:"style";N;s:6:"status";N;s:8:"datesold";N;s:10:"featurepos";N;s:16:"shortdescription";N;s:11:"description";N;s:12:"featureimage";N;s:11:"teaserimage";N;s:12:"detailimages";N;s:4:"tour";N;s:5:"taxes";N;s:6:"garage";N;s:7:"lotsize";N;s:13:"squarefootage";N;s:8:"bedrooms";N;s:7:"heating";N;s:10:"electrical";N;s:5:"water";N;s:10:"inclusions";N;s:9:"roomsizes";N;s:4:"roof";N;s:6:"septic";N;s:8:"exterior";N;s:5:"floor";N;s:8:"latitude";N;s:9:"longitude";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:9:"starttime";N;s:7:"endtime";N;}
[tour] =>
[teaserimage] =>
[l10n_state] =>

[action] => show
[controller] => Listings