Lake Shore Heights Listings

  Address Price Type Garage SqrFt Bdrms Exteriour Floor
7 Thomas Cove


, / Vacant Lot: 7 Thomas Cove
49,900.00 CDN $
Gorgeous lot in a private setting at the top of the cove. This high and dry .4 acre well treed property is accessible year round. Steps from the water, a close 50 minute drive from the city.

7 Thomas Cove
49,900.00 CDN $ Vacant Lot
25 South Bay


, / Vacant Lot: 25 South Bay
34,900.00 CDN $
Beautiful well treed property on a quiet bay in lake country! Located a convenient 50 minute drive from the City, you can build your dream home or cottage within an easy commute. Close enough to hear the lake! REDUCED!

25 South Bay
34,900.00 CDN $ Vacant Lot

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